Another Zombie Apocalypse Tale: Part 16
Mario did know how to get to the highway. He used to live in a small town not far from this city, so he knew the area fairly well, which was one of the reasons he stayed. He knew places to hide to avoid the Grinning Man’s group—who apparently called themselves The Brood. Ick. As we got closer to the vehicle, I began to rehearse what I needed to say to the group and as I did, questions surfaced. What if they didn’t believe me? What if they thought I’d left Beckett, Myra, and Elsie behind on purpose? What if they thought I was part of the ambush?
Another Zombie Apocalypse Tale: Part 15
My body ached but it was nothing compared to the ache in my heart. It had to of been Allen who threw the javelin and gave me an opening to escape. He was an expert; he could have made it to the Olympics and won gold.
It was his voice, “Go, Kamikaze! Run!”
Another Zombie Apocalypse Tale: Part 7
“Camille,” Beckett whisper yelled my name. “Damnit! Come ba—”
A gunshot blast shattered my eardrums and sent my heart slamming into my chest. Down the hall, the glass from a framed picture exploded, shards flying every which way. I slipped, arms windmilling as I fought to stay upright. Failing as my knees and hands scraped the ground, but my toes found traction, and I dove around the corner.